23 June 2022
During the NVNG Spring Conference of last Friday our R&D manager Karlijn van der Schilden provided insight into the current developments of NRGǀPALLAS in the field of developing new production routes for existing and new isotopes. With inextricably linked the subject of securing availability and supply.
The Netherlands is the largest supplier of medical isotopes in the world. And the demand for nuclear medicine is expected to grow, especially for therapeutic purposes. NRG|PALLAS is working hard on securing the availability and supply by creating a new infrastructure, which ensures the interest of the Netherlands and Europe.
The plans and preparations for the new PALLAS reactor are well underway. Once it is operational, it will provide 60-70% of the isotopes used in nuclear medicine in Europe. This new reactor will create continuity and security of supply.
The construction of the Nuclear Health Center is expected to kick off after summer. The NHC is a production facility where irradiated isotopes will be processed into radiochemicals and radiopharmaceuticals. It will create efficient production lines and affordable radiochemicals and radiopharmaceuticals for University Medical Centers and the Pharmaceutical industry.
Our innovation center, FIELD-LAB, has been operating as a consortium of partners from different industries for several years, delivering several projects, such as CISSPECT, lutetium n.c.a. and lead-212. The actual facility is now being built, which will create a communal space for all partners to cooperate in developing new nuclear medicine and more efficient production technology.
The sum of these parts combined will create security of delivery for European hospitals, doctors and patients, security of supply for nuclear medicine, affordable care due to a wide availability of affordable radionuclides and the innovation due to partnerships with UMC’s, start-ups and pharmaceutical companies.
Do you wish to learn more on medical isotopes and how FIELD-LAB can help you? Get in touch with us!